Feb 1, 2021
Hey Guys, Its Tony live from Greenscreen TV updating you all on the sale of the Yenda Farms. Late last year we had a large portfolio of Yenda Estate farms go under the hammer at the Yenda Digger
Jan 29, 2021
Hello and Welcome, 2020 a year we would all rather forget! In 2020 the media predicted a down turn of 18 - 30% for the real estate market. However to contradict the medias prediction national p
Jan 19, 2021
Real estate across Griffith is selling out rapidly, with many properties being sold before they even hit the open market. And when one does get put on the market, it's often gone within a few weeks
Dec 2, 2020
74 Murrumbidgee Avenue Griffith - https://www.griffithre.com/listings/residential_sale-2603854-griffith/ 16 Manera Street Griffith - https://www.griffithre.com/listings/residential_sale-2599350-gri
Dec 2, 2020
As with most things, preparation is key. Your bushfire plan doesn’t need to be complicated, the simpler the better. Essentially, it will have two main parts: Plan, meaning your plan of action if
Nov 16, 2020
Guaranteed Rent return on some sites Closest major city to Griffith One of the most affordable cities in Australia Vacancy rates as low as 0.8% in some suburbs of Canberra. Take advantage of the l
Nov 11, 2020
In 1959 Wynvale Wines bought out Caldwells winery at Yenda. [now Bertons] The company wanted grapes from this area for their glass flagon wines. At that time a company could not own irrigated farm
Nov 9, 2020
Fundraising efforts for breast cancer awareness and support in October have seen a $12 000 target shattered by Griffith businesses this year. In a generous effort Griffith Real Esta