Jul 5, 2021
Dust. Even the most fastidious cleaners can’t escape it. That annoying layer of greyish brown filth settles on every surface, finds its way into every nook and cranny, and reappears with monotonous re
Jun 12, 2021
When it’s freezing outside, being cosy and comfy at home is of the utmost importance. But just like a garden, your home needs to be tended to regularly to ensure it’s in optimum condition. You’ll s
Apr 30, 2021
facebook twitter pinterest In a new Australian novel, Other People’s Houses, the main character Kate spends her weekends inspecting beautiful open homes in Sydney to peek fleetingly into a li
Apr 16, 2021
It’s difficult to believe now but there was a time, late last century, when the frequency with which one had to clean one’s household was not up for debate. Firm rules regarding sheets, towels and o
Oct 21, 2020
No one wants to pay more than the market value for a property, so how do you ensure you’re getting a good deal? Here are some tips. Arm yourself with information Knowledge is power, and when it
Oct 21, 2020
Stock market gyrations have made the property sector an attractive destination for investors. Investing in property is a significant financial decision, but it has produced substantial wealth for thou
Jun 3, 2020
Finding a good real estate agent is about finding someone you can trust to deliver the strongest result when selling your property. So when deciding which agent you should trust, don’t be scared to a
Jun 3, 2020
Signs to Sell 1: Strong Home Price Growth There has been strong home price growth in your area for several years and the market is generally favourable for sellers. A good sign of this is that mo