Our Community

Meals on Wheels 

Griffith Meals on Wheels Inc is a participant of the Commonwealth Home Support Program, providing services to frail aged persons, their carers and disadvantaged groups for either a short term or for longer periods.

Clients receive a tasty, nutritious meal delivered by volunteers who have time for a friendly chat. The service works to meet the individual needs, including dietary, medical condition, language, physical ability and personal taste, of clients.

Since 2019, Griffith Real Estate has volunteered for Meals on Wheels in our Community every Wednesday.


Pink Up Griffith 

Since 2015, GriffithRE has been heavily involved in a very special community initiative which raises vital funds in support of Griffith maintaining its very own Breast Care nurses in the city.

Pink Up Griffith started with one business raising money for the cause and reached record numbers prior to Covid with over 100 local businesses taking part and over $​​85,000 raised in one year by the Griffith Community.

To explain Pink Up Griffith in a nutshell, in the month of October businesses are asked to turn their businesses pink for the entire month. We also ask them as well as members of the community to embark on their own fundraising initiatives individually, before asking all business to effectively pool their money at the end of the month to arrive at a GRAND TOTAL for the year. In 2023, we raised a total of $40,000.


Pizza's for Reid 

In January 2021, Griffith Real Estate & Leeton Real Estate made a commitment to a very special young boy and his family.

Our commitment, was that we would use our position to help raise much needed funds to assist with his treatment and recovery of a very rare disease.

Following  Luke Santolin, shaving his head in support of Reid's Resistance we decided that for Saint Patrick's Day in 2021 we would have a Pizza drive for Reid. We raised almost $16,000 for Reid & his family.


Punjabi Mela

Indian Community Punjabi Mela - Sikhs, like many other communities, actively engage in charitable activities and fundraising efforts to support various causes and help those in need. Sikh Indians are known for their spirit of sea (selfless service) and philanthropy, which is deeply ingrained in Sikh teaching and traditions. It is to note that these fundraising efforts are driven by the Sikh principle of sharing and equality.

The funds raised through these initiatives are utilised to support humanitarian causes, uplift marginalised communities, provide educational opportunities, offer healthcare facilities and respond to emergencies, both within the Sikh community and beyond.