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Nov 16, 2020


Guaranteed Rent return on some sites Closest major city to Griffith One of the most affordable cities in Australia Vacancy rates as low as 0.8% in some suburbs of Canberra. Take advantage of the l

Nov 11, 2020

Yenda Estate - The Story

In 1959 Wynvale Wines bought out Caldwells winery at Yenda. [now Bertons] The company wanted grapes from this area for their glass flagon wines. At that time a company could not own irrigated farm

Nov 9, 2020

Griffith Real Estate floored with level of community support for Pink Up Griffith

Fundraising efforts for breast cancer awareness and support in October have seen a $12 000 target shattered by Griffith businesses this year. In a generous effort Griffith Real Esta

Oct 23, 2020

Fiona Shields, Griffith's McGrath Foundation nurse renews awareness for breast screening after COVID year

Performing regular self checks and staying on top of breast health is what the McGrath Foundation hopes to reinforce this October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Aus

Oct 18, 2020

Griffith Real Estate and Strawberries on Ice combine to show support for breast cancer awareness

"It was caught with a mammogram, she would've had no idea otherwise," Ms Zandona said. "The cancer was so small it couldn't be felt, it was only the size of half a finger nail and t

Oct 9, 2020

Earth Essence Collection

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Oct 8, 2020

Property Video of the Week: Own a Petrol Station!

- Busy location on the main Street of Griffith. - Substantial 1227sqm of land. - Adjacent to major Woolworths and Shopping Malls. - Close to Mc Donalds and other major roadside brands. - Strong co

Oct 6, 2020

Verona, Italy

All the way from Verona, Italy is this amazing fountain, which could be a part of your next home! Watch Steve talk about one of the prized possessions For Sale with the home on 675 Murrumbidgee Avenue