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Your Spring Selling Tips

Sep 01, 2021

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Making the Most of Spring Selling
Spring is often referred to as the Silly Season for Real Estate. The weather is warming up, the financial year has come to an end and there is still enough time to make plans before Christmas is upon us. So activity generally booms.
And with this increased activity comes a larger pool of buyers... as well as competition from other sellers. Spring is a great time to sell; you just need to make the most of increased buyer activity, without letting the competition affect you!
And this may be easier than you think. Did you know that a few well considered, yet minor enhancements could easily result in $5,000, $10,000, or even more money for you with the eventual sale price of your property? So it's a great investment of your time to do a little planning before offering your property for sale.

​​​​​​​The Two Keys for Selling at a Great Price 

1. Attract more of the right kind of buyers!

With more buyers comes greater competition and this is exactly what drives the price up! The team at GriffithRE have a number of special strategies to ensure your property gets the exposure it needs to all potential buyers.

2. Make the most of what you've got!
​​It's one thing to market and promote well to attract a mass of suitable buyers to a property and another to win them over.
So what are the right things to focus on? What will potentially add thousands to your final sale price? 

Preparing for Sale
Here are a couple of quick points to consider when you're preparing your property to sell - indoors and out.

Imagine walking into your house for the very first time. Stand outside on the footpath, what will potential buyers see? You become familiar with your own surroundings and may not notice something that will stand out to a potential buyer.

Once you've had a good look outside, repeat the same exercise inside. If you were seeing your property at an open or private inspection, does it have a feel that will appeal?

Space sells. When your house feels spacious, it offers more possibility to purchasers.

If your property has an outdoor area, take advantage of this bonus. You can create an atmosphere outdoors to show the liveability of your property. Plus, you can also compensate for smaller internal living.
These are just a few simple suggestions.

​​​​​​​If you're interested in learning more, you can drop by our office and pick up our 28 Day Blitz booklet or you can email me and I'll send you a copy. Plus we have a team of professional trades people on hand to help you if you need it.

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