Yenda Estate - The Story

Nov 11, 2020

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In 1959 Wynvale Wines bought out Caldwells winery at Yenda. [now Bertons]

The company wanted grapes from this area for their glass flagon wines.
At that time a company could not own irrigated farming land & so to ensure grape supply Wynvale Wines encouraged the Wynn family & senior company executives to purchase land & formed a company Yenda Estate Services [YES] to establish & manage the vineyards.
In the early 1960's our father Frank Devine then General Manager purchased Farm 1547 in McClure Rd Yenda.
Over the following decades the Devine families enjoyed many memorable holidays at the house at Farm 1547.
Wynvale wines was sold in 1972 but the 8 YES vineyards continued on under the management of Denis Murphy
In the early 1990's our father handed over farm 1547 to us & in 1995 we purchased farm 1606 & in 2002 farm 1592 & in 2006 farm 1359
Gradually the Wynn family had sold off their vineyards  & in 2013 Jim Maier & John Ciscato both former employees of YES took over the management of our 4 farms
I am now in my mid 70's & after some 60 years it is time for the "YES" chapter to close & for the new owner to create their own YENDA EXPERIENCE!

- John Devine