We hate to break it to you, but just because you’ve watched a couple of DIY videos on YouTube, doesn’t mean you’ll succeed in doing them.
Going to Bunnings and picking up a few tools (and a sausage sizzle) isn’t enough either. There is a lot to know, and even more that can go wrong, regarding home repairs.
Most jobs that involve plumbing, electrical or gas aren’t just dangerous, they’re actually against the law to do yourself.
That’s why, even if you have some DIY experience, there are some repairs that you simply need to call in an expert for.
Here is a guide to jobs that require a licensed professional, and not a handyman.
Electrical work
Due to fire and electrocution risks, almost all electrical work is against the law in Australia unless you have a valid licence.
Rules vary slightly across the states so it’s important to double-check Fair Trading and government websites before going ahead with anything.
In NSW, NSW Fair Trading states that “an electrical licence is required before any electrical wiring work can be undertaken in NSW, regardless of the cost of the work and regardless of whether the work is residential, commercial or industrial”.
Under their definition, electrical work encompasses the manufacturing, constructing, installing, testing, maintaining, repairing, altering, removing or replacing of any electrical equipment.
So there’s not a lot you can do, but you are allowed to install antennas and change lightbulbs.
Gas fittings
It’s a similar situation when you’re dealing with gas work. According to the South Australian government site.
“You must use a licensed gas fitter for any work between the gas meter outlet or LPG cylinder valve up to and including: the gas appliance, the pipe work from the gas meter or cylinder to the appliance, any flues and ducts.”
With electrical and gas appliances you can buy most of the parts yourself, but you’ll have to call in the pros to install them.
It’s also against the law to do most plumbing jobs yourself. Government regulation stipulates you must use a licensed plumber for work from the water main and sewer main connection points at the property borders, up to and including the pipe-work in your home.
This means, according to the South Australian government site, that you can only:
Big landscaping jobs
There is most certainly a joke to be made here about making a DIY mistake and digging yourself deeper …
But seriously, you do not want to start digging holes without knowing precisely where underground pipes are, and large-scale jobs, like putting in pools or water features, will definitely require somebody with expertise.
If you are planning to dig up your yard, you can call ‘1100 Dial Before You Dig‘, which will refer you to information and professional services for excavation and underground pipes and cables.
Knocking down walls
Before the disastrous health effects were properly understood, asbestos was all the rage as a building material and if you own an older house it’s possibly in your walls. If there is asbestos in the house it should always be removed by professionals, who will take specific care to avoid releasing the fibres into the air.
Any jobs when you live in a rental
Attempting DIY in a rental could see your lease terminated or your bond revoked, so always call the landlord and get them to hire a professional for any repairs.
Source: www.domain.com.au