Tony Interviews Made to Thrive | Float

Mar 18, 2021

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What is float therapy?

Float therapy is about everything that you won’t be doing
You won’t be fighting gravity. The 500kg of Epsom salt in the water makes you weightless.

You lose track of where your body ends and the solution begins. The Epsom solution is kept at 35 degrees. This is skin-receptor neutral, which gives the feeling of floating in space.

Noise from the outside doesn’t reach you. Your ears stay just below the solution, and the pods are insulated against sound.

After you shut the door and turn off the pod light, you float in total darkness. For an hour the outside world is gone, and amazing things happen. It turns out that when you’re not fighting gravity or constantly being bombarded with external stimulation, incessant background noise and distraction, your body has a lot of extra resources at its disposal. Your mind is free to mull things over without
distraction, your brain waves slow down, and your whole body gets to rest, repair and renew.

Here's your Made To Thrive — Float referral program code: ts-412953 to use for your next appointment or mention and show this article.