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The 5 Considerations You Need To Make When Upsizing Your Home

Dec 16, 2021

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If you have outgrown your current home, are planning to expand your family or simply want more room to accommodate guests, then it might be time to upsize.

Upsizing your home refers to moving to a larger house than the one you currently occupy. Whether that’s a property with more square footage, a larger backyard or a multi-storey home, the main benefits of upsizing is more space and comfort.

However, there are additional advantages to upsizing other than extended space. Larger homes generally hold more value than smaller properties, meaning they are a good long-term asset to invest in.

Whatever your current circumstance, here are a few things to consider when upsizing your home.

What to look for in a larger home

When it comes to buying a property, knowing what you want or need in a new home will help make the decision-process easier.

Before you start looking up properties, sit down with your partner or family and discuss why you are choosing to upsize. Reasons can include:

  • To have more bedrooms to accommodate existing family or additional children
  • To accommodate an elderly relative
  • For work-from-home opportunities
  • As an investment property or hopes of potential financial return
  • More yard space for the kids/pets

If you still think upsizing is the right choice, then it pays to also factor in how much space you really need. Are there possibilities of staying where you are and simply extending? For example, if your home is feeling a little tight due to older teenagers inviting friends over, is there a possibility that they may move out in the next few years? Will you still need extra space then?

To buy first, or sell first

You might have already found your dream home. It’s spacious, has enough bedrooms, and ample yard space. While you might be tempted to buy this home before you sell your current place, take a deep breath and consider your options.

Typically, it is better to sell your home before buying a new one. By doing so, you will have the funds ready and will know what your budget is. You will also be able to make a larger down payment on your mortgage and avoid having to juggle two mortgages at the same time.

If you do sell first, you will need to find temporary housing until you can move into your new home

If you absolutely have to buy before you sell, it is a good idea to meet with a real estate agent and get an appraisal to estimate how much your current home is worth and to get more detailed info on your local market.

Start by preparing your home to sell

For a better chance at selling your current home, you need to style it so that it is buyer-ready.

Preparing your home to sell includes decluttering and having all interiors professionally cleaned. Tackle any of those lingering repair jobs and make any necessary home upgrades to put your property in the best position to sell.

98% of our top agents agree that property styling is a must prior to putting your home on the market.

Styling your property will help you achieve a higher selling price and attract more buyers. If you aren’t in a position to hire an expert to style your property, think about the following upgrades:

  • Add a fence or repair your existing one
  • Increase curb appeal with landscaped front garden
  • Make your house number clearly visible
  • Clean windows, gutters and roof
  • Pressure wash driveway
  • Add outdoor lighting
  • Freshen up interior paint
  • Get rid of clutter
  • Replace old tap and light fittings
  • Steam clean carpet, polish floors

Make sure you can manage the upkeep

Moving to a bigger home has some great benefits, like more space for your kids to play or lots of room for entertaining guests.. That said, it comes with new responsibilities.

One of the most obvious - cleaning. Since it’s a bigger space, you will have to allocate more time when doing housework. Similarly, if you have a larger yard space, you will have to devote more time to landscaping and yard maintenance, or even pool cleaning.

Prior to making any decisions, think about whether you will be happy with the extra responsibilities, whether you can afford extra help in the way of professional cleaning/landscaping services, or if going bigger might be more than you bargained for.

Choosing your dream home

Upsizing is not a decision to be rushed. You should take your time and make the call when the time is right.

Start by compiling a list of all your must-haves, fFrom the amount of bedrooms needed to yard space and floorplan, having a list of your required features will help you to narrow down your search. In addition, check your list against other requirements such as location and price point.

Ultimately, you want a home that can grow with you and accommodate your family or life circumstances. Try to think long-term, with considerations for potential growth of your family and the need for spare bedrooms or room for a granny flat. Another thing you may want to look into is whether this will be your ‘forever home’ or if there is a possibility of downsizing in the future (for example, during retirement).

Key Takeaways

  • Think about why you want a bigger home
  • Decide what key features you want in your new home
  • Consider a home appraisal before selling/buying
  • Style your home to boost chance of selling
  • Understand the responsibilities of owning a larger home
  • Think long-term before making a commitment