Starting afresh: Why spring is a game-changer for Griffith and Leeton’s property market

Sep 01, 2017

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Spring is here, and with it the urge to re-emerge from Griffith and Leeton’s winter hibernation and start over afresh.

That’s when we begin thinking about spring-cleaning our lives, and embracing change – in both how and where we live.

“The seasons have a real impact on our lives, our moods and our thoughts, and spring is a time of regathering our energies and rethinking our priorities,” says psychotherapist and leadership development facilitator Brandon Srot. “Change then happens in waves. It can start to blossom as we think about basics like improving our diet, fitness and health and then it gains momentum until we move on to examining our careers, relationships and housing choices. There’s a real correlation then to real estate.”

On the housing coalface, Griffith Real Estate agent Luke Santolin agrees. “As the warmer weather comes, people do start thinking about change,” he says. “There’s more property coming on to the market in spring too, and there’s a fresh new energy in the market.”

Those homes that look bright, light and spring-like also tend to appeal the most to potential buyers.

As the warmer weather comes, people do start thinking about change… There’s a fresh new energy in the market.

South-facing properties also don’t put people off so much in springtime, says Luke. In winter, it’s all about north-facers.

“But there’s no doubt that when spring comes along, we’re all programmed to think about real estate because gardens look wonderful and there are longer days and warmer weather,” Luke says.

Real Estate Institute of NSW Director Tony Santolin says the mood of both sellers and buyers tend to change as spring begins. “As the flowers come out and the grass grows, mindsets become more dynamic as we come out of the winter hiatus,” he says.

“People feel a lot more optimistic and confident, and that’s the key to all markets.

“We believe we’re going to see a really strong spring this year as we’re already seeing stock and appraisal numbers increasing significantly, which are the first indicators.”

Demand this spring is still likely to be stronger than supply, believes Luke. But sellers know that spring is the perfect time to put homes on the market and, while there’s little they can do about their location, there’s plenty they can do to make them feel more attractive.

“New paint, new carpet, immaculate lawns – people are really looking for what will suit their lifestyle in spring,” he says. For the past few years, buyers have tended to sell all year around with the market so strong, says Luke. “But in the last six months, we’ve seen a trend back towards real estate seasons again,” he says. “People have started to prepare for spring this time around.

“And buyers tend to look, in spring, for those lifestyle-type properties with good outdoor living areas, nice backyards and good-sized balconies, as well as properties with nice outlooks.”