RC Sports

Sep 24, 2020

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L: Tell us Rocky, what was the inspiration for the shop?

R: We have been running the local Futsal competition in Griffith for the last 4 or 5 seasons and we just wanted to make it your complete Futsal experience, so we thought why not create the shop


L: You've got everything someone would want!

R: The idea behind the shop is to make it your one stop Futsal destination, not only can you play your game. You can load yourself up with a season Jersey, shoes, pads, socks, we've got everything.


L: How long have you been running Futsal for?

R: We've been at this complex for 3 years but previous to that we ran for another 2 seasons so about 5 years all up.


L: What do you have available for your upcoming seasons?

R: Our Junior Competition starts soon, at the end of the upcoming school holidays, so our registations are open at the moment and teams are already starting to flood in so it looks like it's gonna be a good competition.


L: And for people who want to register a team or for a team?

R:  Just get in contact with us through our socials on Facebook and Instagram or Email us!

