It was snags, onions and bread a 'plenty at Middy's as part of the Pink Up Griffith initiative on Thursday.
The Middy's barbecue was the latest fundraising component of Pink Up Griffith, with proceeds going towards an already impressive pool of funds generated locally for the McGrath Foundation.
Adding to the tally, Middy's info night on Wednesday at the Yoogali Club will also add to the pool, with the event attracting 200.
Around $11,000 has been raised and that figure is expected to go up after the proceeds from the barbecue and Friday nights major event.
Griffith Real Estate's Jorja Langman and Chloe Bavaresco have been a driving force behind this years campaign and said they are appreciative of the business communities input.
"We're hugely grateful - we've had nearly 70 businesses get on board for the cause which is wonderful," Ms Bavaresco said.
"It's two months of work in organising this and it's great to see it pay off the way it is," Ms Langman said.
"We've had a wealth of donated gifts for our ladies and tradies night, worth in the thousands. I want to extend a huge thank you to Middy's Griffith for their support each year, in addition to Janet's designs and signs and the Southside Leagues Club for providing the space to hold our major event tomorrow.
"I also want to extend a huge thank you to Tony Santolin - we couldn't have done this without his eagerness to have this event each year," Ms Langman said.
Mr Santolin said he is grateful for the generosity of the community towards the initiative, especially amid the cost of living.
"It's absolutely amazing and we couldn't be more grateful," he said.
Mr Santolin said bra donations for the McGrath Foundation have gone up tenfold this year.
"It just shows how everybody is really getting behind this - it's a fantastic gesture."
The Ladies and Tradies Night will be held Friday October 20 at the Southside Leagues Club from 6.30pm.
(Source: The Area News)