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Looking forward to the future: Griffith agency reins in a century not out

Nov 19, 2024

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Directors of a Griffith business have shared reflections as it clocks up 100 years.

Like many centennial outlets, Griffith Real Estate has seen an array of changes over the decades, though perhaps none like what has been witnessed in the last 10.

Director Brian Bertolin believes the next 100 may prove more challenging than the last as businesses continues to navigate the technological age.

"What we've been trying to do is recognise our past, where we have come from and how we have evolved," he said.

"Many have commented there aren't many businesses that get to this stage; we're enjoying the moment."

History of the agency

The agency actually began as H.J. Hanrahan and Co which operated out of Merriwagga.

H.J. Hanrahan (Ray) took over management of Ross-Reid Wool, Skins and Seed Merchants in Yambil Street where he started the real estate.

In 1942 he opened another small office in Banna Avenue before moving to the larger premises in Kooyoo St in around 1944.

There he operated as a real estate, stock and station agent, auctioneer and valuer.

His son Mick worked with him from the early 40s and daughter Maureen worked in the family business from 1955 to 1958.

Stan Pellizzer purchased it in 1959, a year after Mr Hanrahan's death, and from there witnessed Griffith's population spike.

In the early years he changed the business name to Griffith Real Estate and helped many immigrant families purchase agriculture and viticulture-based properties.

Mostly he focused on the sales of rural properties and investments, eventually selling Griffith Real Estate to Brian Bertolin and Tony Santolin in 1994.

Maintaining bonds

Mr Santolin said a focal part of reining in the 100th year was spending time and maintaining connections with descendants of the Hanrahan family.

"We did that at our retreat, spending time with Ray's daughters who spoke about what it was like growing up with him (Ray)," Mr Santolin said.

"One thread that has remained is that he was an auctioneer and we are an auctioneer.

"Originally the business additionally serviced Hillston, Merriwagga, Leeton, Darlington Point and many other townships.

"So it now feels like we've come full circle," he said.

He has little doubts there will be further growth, particularly in the digital age.

"Leeton has a small office much the same as what we started with and that's exciting for the company," he said.

"I don't see any reason why in the future we can't go further but I think there's enough here at least in the short-term."

New challenges, exciting changes ahead

One director new to the fore, Luke Papandrea, says social media has been the biggest change in how the company operates.

"It's probably been our best form of advertising, especially after COVID-19," he said.

Mr Santolin recalled laying out advertising was not as simple as it is now.

"I can remember on Saturday mornings grabbing a printed photo, a letter head, typing the address and a description, and then having to line up the photo perfectly before photocopying it," he said.

"I would spent an hour and a half just doing a pamphlet for an open home."

Reflecting, Mr Bertolin said it was incredible how much harder those days were in many respects.

"Every week you were under stress," he said.

"Businesses have become more streamlined in the way tech allows them to operate, but that in itself also creates compilations."

Even the mode of paying rent has changed.

"Everyone pays online," Mr Bertolin said.

"Even just a decade ago you might have $10,000 just in rent being paid in the office on any given day."

Everyone at Griffith Real Estate is looking forward to what the future holds.

"They say the next four years will see 100 years worth of change," Mr Santolin said.

"ChatGPT is particular is going to change the world.

"It's been a fantastic ride so far and I'm excited to see the future and what the staff will be doing going onto the next chapter."

(Source: The Irrigator)