So you’ve drawn the short straw in your family and this year it’s your turn to have the hungry hordes descend for Christmas lunch.
While some people relish the opportunity to host Christmas lunch, for others the very idea of catering for a huge group can bring on heart palpitations.
Here’s a few tips to help you through the day unscathed:
Figure out early on what you intend to make on the day. Remember that while fruit and vegies and other basics are always available at supermarkets, specialty items like seafood, turkeys or hams might need to be ordered in advance.
Relying on your local Woolies or Coles to have a ham on Christmas Eve might be a recipe for disaster.
Work through every recipe you intend to make and write a list that includes every ingredient. Don’t try and remember stuff off the top of your head or you might find yourself without something essential on Christmas morning.
Make sure you include things like beer/wine, Christmas crackers and table decorations.
Write a plan of the things you need to do for the four or so days before Christmas – working backwards from Christmas Day, eg: pick up turkey, buy fruit and vegetables, buy table decorations.
For the real planners, another good idea is to write a list of what needs to be done at certain times on Xmas morning – eg: 9am, put on ham, 10.30am, start salads, etc.
How many people are coming for lunch? Do you have a big enough table and enough chairs for everyone? Can you rustle up a card table from the shed or borrow something from a neighbour?
If the weather is fine, eating outside is a great option if you don’t have the space in your dining area. Don’t forget the kids’ table too.
When the clock’s ticking and lunchtime is suddenly upon you, setting the table can be rushed at the last minute. Do it first thing in the morning and take your time to get the result you want.
Browse through Pinterest if you are lacking in the inspiration department – there are so many inexpensive options available.
Many a Xmas lunch has been ruined due to an overcrowded oven – remember that you may be cooking numerous dishes at the same time to have it all on the table for lunch. Cook as many things in advance as you can to prevent the oven logjam.
You know that come Christmas night, you’ll need lots of space for that leftover turkey, ham and trifle. Make sure you have a good clean out of the fridge and consider bringing in an Esky on the day for drinks to prioritise fridge space for food.
Ask everyone to bring something – a dessert, some nice bread, a bottle of wine, or a box of Christmas crackers. People usually offer, so make sure you take them up on it.
You may have spied an amazing croquembouche on Master Chef, but Christmas morning is not the time to experimenting with fiddly creations. Remember that you’ll have a lot to do and not much time to do it. Where possible, stick to recipes that you’ve tried before.
Christmas food these days can be anything you want it to be. Instead of a roast turkey and vegetables, why not go for barbecued lamb and a couple of amazing salads?
Chances are the weather is going to be on the warm side, so seafood on the barbie might be a lot more palatable than pulling a roast out of the oven.