Real estate across Griffith is selling out rapidly, with many properties being sold before they even hit the open market.
And when one does get put on the market, it's often gone within a few weeks.
Managing director at Griffith Real Estate, Brian Bertolin, says high demand and low supply is forcing people to rush if they want to secure a sale.
"We're finding once people do see a property, they're looking to buy straight away," Mr Bertolin said.
"People are walking into open homes and asking if they can make an offer ... sometimes people are buying without seeing a pest or building report."
Local auctions are attracting as many as 14 registrations, which leaves 13 potential buyers disappointed and empty handed at the end of the day.
"There's just not enough stock going around to meet the demand at the moment," Mr Bertolin said.
According to the real estate agent, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a boom in all regional real estate markets, and he has noticed more people making the move from the city out to the country.
"We're seeing metro people coming in, there's a lot of relocation," he said.
"I was talking to someone just the other day who said they're moving their whole business out here from the city, because it's so much easier."
"Rent is cheaper, prices are cheaper, and the lifestyle of Griffith is so much better than in the metro areas."
Mr Bertolin said he doesn't expect the frenzy to stop any time soon.