Griffith Base Hospital / Lake Wyangan Growth

Brian got the chance to catch up with Mayor John Dal Broi to discuss Griffith Base Hospital and Land at Lake Wyangan. Here's what he had to share...

May 19, 2020

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B: Fill us in on what’s happening at Griffith Base Hospital.

J: I have had the opportunity to inspect the ambulatory care and it is absolutely fantastic. The technology in the building is fantastic, it’s interconnected with the base hospital even though they’re separated. The facilities now are doubled, for example the oncology currently has 4 chairs oncology procedures, this new one will have 8 and we are informed they will get used for things like out patience and physiotherapy. This is stage 1 of a major redevelopment, they are going forward and contracts are exchanged between NSW Government and the contractor will mean some demolishing happening up there and $250,000,000 is going into a brand new hospital which is absolutely fantastic and that will work closely with St Vincents as people are wondering at the moment with the connection between the two and a walkway will be added.


B: Can we confirm the rumours that the Lake Wyangan Land has been Sold? Can you fill us in on that?

J: We have accepted an offer from a developer from Sydney and are in the process now of finalising all the details and my information is, is that is not far from being signed off and the developer is very keen to go so we will see some housing development happening in that area which will be great. At the same time council has a consultant working on the master plan for the Lake Wyangan area itself so our staff has met with some of those property owners around there and had a brief look at them, so going forward there is going to be some exciting stuff happening at Lake Wyangan.