Hello and Welcome,
2020 a year we would all rather forget!
In 2020 the media predicted a down turn of 18 - 30% for the real estate market. However to contradict the medias prediction national property prices have risen, new loan applications have risen. It seem that the recession is over and we are likely to see landing restrictions eased.
Here at Griffith Real Estate we didn't listen to the medias negativity. We started the year punching and couldn't be prouder of our young team and what we have achieved in the year 2020. So in contrary to popular belief real estate is booming and properties are selling.
In 2019 Griffith sold 281 properties at a median price of $360,000 and seen a 9.1% growth. In 2020 Griffith sold 291 properties at a median price of $390,000 and seen a 8.3% growth.
If you would like to have a copy of these results please send us an email or give us a call here at Griffith Real Estate.
source : RP Core Logic