Waste managment

88f135a483ef01fac8d7b920488085e4_XLWhat you can do...

By following these easy steps you can make a difference;

  • Shop wisely – buy less and buy only what you need.
  • Purchase products made from recycled materials – look for the recycling logo.
  • Try to purchase products that have minimal packaging.
  • Reject plastic bags – take your own bag with you when shopping. Discarded plastic bags not only litter the environment they can also clog drains and harm wildlife.
  • Work out how you can save on paper and toner at work or in the office. Check machine settings, print double sided, cut down on your printouts and reuse scrap paper.
  • Separate recyclables and use the kerbside recycling system. Sort everything carefully and remove any contaminants.
  • Don't dump unwanted household items outside you home, in bushland or on the street. This is illegal and you'll be liable for a fine. Call Council to discuss how to dispose of these items properly.
  • When you're out and about use public rubbish bins or take your rubbish home with you.
  • Join the next Clean up Australia Day and help clean up our landscape.
  • Look for ways to reuse, renovate or recycle household goods. Donate to charity, take them to a local second hand shop, get together with your neighbours and have a garage sale, or advertise unwanted items on community notice boards.
  • Compost your kitchen and garden waste – anything organic except meat, fish bones and animal droppings can be composted.
  • Set up a worm farm and produce your own organic fertiliser.
  • Building or renovating? Consider using second hand or recycled buildings materials.