The opportunity exists to secure additional land close to Griffith with town water, tar road frontage and planted to wine grapes. With 1 MGL of high security water allocation it will make a valuable acquisition for neighbouring farms or anyone that wants to have the rural lifestyle with the added benefit of generous income.
Area: 30 acres - 12.1 hectares
House: Dwelling rite possible as a workers cottage
Plant: Variety Acres Year
Anglianico 6.20 2012
Shiraz 5.20 1996
Pinot Noir 9.64 2002
Nero D'Avola 4.63 2013
Sangiovese 4.60 2014
Irrigation: Drip irrigation, 1 MGL High Security Water Allocation
Improvements: Lasered, Enviroscan, tile drained
Production: Approximately 180-220 tonnes