
124 Ballingal Road, THARBOGANG NSW 2680

3 Bed

1 Bath

1 Car

72072 m²


124 Ballingal Road, THARBOGANG NSW 2680

3 Bed

1 Bath

1 Car

72072 m²

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Looking for a lifestyle farm?

Looking for a lifestyle farm or extra acres to expand your current holdings then consider 124 Ballingal Road, Tharbogang

Farm 124 (1747-3)Ballingal Road is planted to approx. 18 acres of citrus, mini sprinklers IHS pressurised system and a 3 bedroom, 1 Bath, 1 Car, cladded home with a rental income of $160 per week.

*Includes 70 Delivery Entitlements (MI)
*Estimated Navel tonnage (subject to seasonal conditions) would be 30-40 tonnes

Located on a sealed road 12-15 kms away from Griffith CBD offering a convenient lifestyle while being able to enjoy the quiet and open lifestyle living that these farms provide.

Farm 1473 Kidman Way, Tharbogang is also For Sale to enquire on either farm contact Nick Chauhan


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