The title says it all, with three homes, two already securely tenanted, approx 41 acres, inclusive of lasered farmland and five huge machinery sheds 675 Murrumbidgee Avenue is ready to be your next big property investment, not to mention the 2 DE's and 2 Mgs of High Security water included in sale.
House one boasts three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a two car lock up garage. Greeted from the driveway with a secured fence, this home surprises you at the turn of every corner. House two and three are fibro clad houses, house two fitted with 2 bedrooms and house three fitted with 3 bedrooms, both with 1 bathroom and a carport. It doesn't stop there. Moving further onto the farm you will find easy access around the farm leading you to 5 machinery sheds. With high ceilings, office space, electricity to the biggest shed, workshop areas and plenty of room to store your salami's in the cooler months, these sheds have everything. Finishing off the property you will find plenty of farmland, perfect for literally everything.
Farm 675 Murrumbidgee Avenue can be found only 6 minutes from Griffith's CBD, you can soak in the peaceful farm life without the stress of having to drive hours to your closest town. Now is your chance to secure this very rare opportunity.