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6 Guild Place, LEETON NSW 2705

6 Bed

3 Bath

3 Car

4000 m²

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6 Guild Place, LEETON NSW 2705

6 Bed

3 Bath

3 Car

4000 m²

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2 Properties, 1 Price!!

Sitting on an acre of land in one of Leeton's more popular locations, 6 Guild Place is something to get excited about. Listed for Auction, this is your chance to purchase an incredible family home from willing sellers now ready to meet the market. The 4 bedroom home is just under 30 squares and is the absolute focal point of the package. Coming complete with 2 living areas, a large and fully equipped kitchen, rumpus room + undercover patio area which overlooks a stunning inground pool, you'll think all your Christmas' have come at once. Additional to the house, is a self-contained 2 bedroom unit in brilliant condition which is currently leased to great tenants. New owners may consider continuing with this lease and collecting an income of $190 per week? OR for those with older children, an elderly relative or a messy husband, this space is the perfect way to remain close but not too close. Outside and the lay of the land is quite special. With virtually no neighbours in your direct line of sight from almost all angles, you'll love the feeling of isolation while remaining only seconds from town. A perfect place to raise active children, they'll appreciate the ability to run, jump, ride bikes and swim in a safe environment they can call home. If you can see yourself living this kind of lifestyle, then please don't miss your chance. Now available in the right price range, all that's left to do is come and see for yourself. Other Features include:
- Double Garage + Single Carport - Evaporative Cooling - Single Lock-up Shed - Private Col-de-sac


Air Conditioning

Built-In Wardrobes


Secure Parking

Formal Lounge

Separate Dining


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