4 Bed
1 Bath
3 Car
1100 m²
4 Bed
1 Bath
3 Car
1100 m²
Capitalise on the location of this property and reap the benefits now and into the future. This 4 bedroom+ brick property has already undergone significant improvements over the years and retains plenty of potential to increase the value even further!
The X-Factor of this property is its corner block location. 1,100m2 of land on the corner of Acacia Ave and Belah Street should instantly spark the interest of any would-be investors/developers. This is Prime Real Estate and is an opportunity to be taken seriously.
Currently rented for $320 per week, the existing dwelling faces Acacia Ave and provides immediate 6.5% gross return to any successful purchaser. With a brick construction, updated floors, a good sized lounge and an open Kitchen/Dining area, the home is bigger than meets the eye. A great size for first home buyers and fantastic value for money in the heart of Leeton, this property could suit a number of different buyers and we look forward to working with your interest.