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20 Lake Paddock Drive, LEETON NSW 2705

4 Bed

2 Bath

2 Car

1356 m²

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20 Lake Paddock Drive, LEETON NSW 2705

4 Bed

2 Bath

2 Car

1356 m²

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Something a Bit Different..

Located in an Estate where many of the facades are similar, this property offers something a little different..

Inside - and you'll love the modern colours which follow you throughout the property. A beautiful white Kitchen overlooks a good-size lounge and dining room and leads out into a very big backyard (bigger than most).

With a 4 bedrooms with built-in robes, plus an ensuite to main, I'm sure you will agree that this property offers superb value for money in a market where first home buyers also avoid paying stamp duty in this price point.

Currently rented for $320 per week, Investors may also appreciate the rent return of a property which should not require any significant improvements for quite a while.

To arrange your inspection, contact Luke and the team at LeetonRE today!


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