$350.00 p/w

2 Matthew Close, GRIFFITH NSW 2680

4 Bed

2 Bath

2 Car

744 m²

$350.00 p/w

2 Matthew Close, GRIFFITH NSW 2680

4 Bed

2 Bath

2 Car

744 m²

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Don't miss out on this great home situated in a friendly col-de-sac comprising of 4 bedrooms with built-in wardrobes and ensuite to main. Feel like entertaining guests? the huge gauze in entertaining area is perfect weather it be a quiet family barbecue or a gathering of friends. Large lounge room plus separate dining will always ensure you are never pushed for space. Never cook in a small kitchen again, this functional kitchen is not only equipped with plenty of bench space but many cupboards as well plus the added benefit of a dishwasher! Double Lock Up Garage.


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