
35 Merungle Hill Road, LEETON NSW 2705

4007 m²


35 Merungle Hill Road, LEETON NSW 2705

4007 m²

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Build on 1 Acre!

Located less than 5 minutes drive from Leetons CBD and on the Yanco side of town, lies a gem of a property which is ready to be claimed by its new owners.

Just over an acre in size, this perfectly shaped block comes complete with all town services already connected and is the ideal block on which to build your dream home.

Keep in mind that the original dwelling still lies on the block towards the back. This much loved property has seen better days and would most likely be knocked down by our eventual new owners. Although we encourage you to decide for yourself by arranging a 1 on 1 inspection with a member of our team today.

Buyers love this type of location, on the outskirts of town while still so accessible to everything. We look forward to working with your interest..

For more details, contact Jordan Bavaresco at Leeton Real Estate today!


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