
253A Karri Road, LEETON NSW 2705

12.75 ac


253A Karri Road, LEETON NSW 2705

12.75 ac

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Prime Residential Real Estate with Development Potential!

PRICE GUIDE $225,000+

Of all the properties we have worked on, this is quite simply the most unique..

Where can you find approximately 12.75 acres of residential land within such close proximity to Leeton's CBD?

A parcel of land which would ensure your lifestyle property was the most perfectly located home in Leeton. Yes you would be surrounded by high-end homes BUT yours would be the only one on such a large block of land

There is an old farmhouse on the block which could be restored with time and hard work. But perhaps you would rather build NEW on something as exciting as this. The opportunity is too hard to ignore and we look forward to working with any and all interest throughout our auction campaign.

For the developer You CAN subdivide! (subject to council approval of course). We urge you to make your own enquiries, but feedback from Leeton council suggest that the options for this particular block are vast.

The options are there for you to crunch numbers and consider the potential in a location where the demand for vacant land is fierce!!

With an exciting Price Guide in a market that's tightening every day, we can't wait to start working with your interest.

Please Note: A large machinery shed also remains at the property which is included in the sale.

Contact Luke Santolin for more information today!


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