Jan 14, 2016
Is there a spot in your home that you look at and often think what a waste of space it is? Or maybe your home sweet home is filled to the brim and there’s no space for your growing business! Someti
Jan 14, 2016
Buyers seek the help of advocates for many different reasons. Some are interstate or overseas and need ‘feet on the ground’, while others don’t want to make a mistake and lean on an experienced profes
Jan 12, 2016
In another sign that macro-prudential measures are taking effect, the latest ABS Housing Finance data released today shows a further consecutive drop in investment loans, down 8.5 per cent in Septembe
Jan 7, 2016
It is a question every landlord should ask. What features will have prospective tenants clambering to live in your investment property? We ask a few industry folks to share their insights. Hot fea
Dec 21, 2015
It’s a cruel kind of irony that your shower is one of the dirtiest places in your house. It might be unpleasant, but if you bought a clear shower curtain and it’s now pink, it’s because
Dec 15, 2015
With urbanisation rapidly increasing, the city plays an ever more integral role in Australian society. It is therefore important that those in charge of shaping our cities do so in a way that is not o
Dec 7, 2015
New fixed-rate mortgages flooding on to the market could slice hundreds of dollars off monthly payments on a typical loan of between $500,000 and $1 million. More than 10 lenders have responded to
Dec 4, 2015
The London housing market has formed the world's biggest house price bubble, according to analysts at UBS… And it warned that London house prices have become more "decoupled" from household earnings t